Skelly the Skeleton

Once upon a time, in a land of bones and dust,
Lived a skeleton named Skelly, who was a bit of a fuss.
He had no flesh, no skin, no hair, no eyes to see,
But still he lived a life, full of adventure and glee.

Skelly loved to explore the world, from east to west, He'd always find a way to put his skeleton bones to the test. He'd clatter and clank, as he made his way, Through forests and caves, always finding somewhere to play.

One day, as Skelly was wandering through a dense grove, He stumbled upon a village, nestled in a cove, He decided to check it out and see what he could find, But as he approached, he heard a terrible wail and a mournful grind.

The villagers were crying and sobbing, their faces full of pain, And Skelly soon discovered the cause, a dragon breathing fire and flame. It had terrorized the town, and no one knew what to do, They had no weapons, no armor, no way to defeat the dragon, boo-hoo.

Skelly thought about what he could do to help the poor town, And he remembered his bones, and the clatter that always did resound. He came up with a plan, a plan as bold as can be, He'd challenge the dragon, and set the town free.

He approached the dragon, with a clatter and a clank, And the dragon breathed fire, but Skelly's heart never sank. He used his bones to deflect the flames, and dodge the dragon's tail, And soon the dragon was defeated, its reign of terror did fail.

The villagers cheered and praised Skelly, who had saved the day, And he went on his way, with a smile, and a clatter and a sway. And he was happy to know that he had helped save the day, And his bones and his bravery had kept the dragon at bay.

So if you ever hear a clatter and a clank, Just remember Skelly, on whose courage you can bank. His story will live on, as a tale of bravery and fun, And he'll always be remembered, as the skeleton who won.

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