Twitch's Giant Leap

Once upon a time, in a meadow so fair,
Lived a bunny named Twitch, a happy little hare,
With a nose that wiggled and his fur a bluish grey,
He spent his days eating carrots and hay.

One day, as he hopped through the lush meadow, He found a hurdle, tall and narrow. With a deep breath and a heart full of glee, He leaped with all his might, as high as could be.

But oh, alas, he fell with a thud, His legs ached, he felt like a dud. He couldn't move, not even a bit, And so he sat there, feeling unfit.

Days went by, and Twitch's pain grew, His friends brought him carrots, hoping he'd renew. But Twitch just sat there, unable to play, Feeling sad and helpless, day by day.

But then one day, as he sat in the sun, He saw a butterfly, fluttering, having fun. It too had faced a struggle, but still it soared, And that's when Twitch knew, he couldn't stay floored.

With a deep breath and a heart full of fight, He pushed himself up, with all his might. His legs still hurt, but he didn't care, For he knew he could fly, if he just dared.

He hopped and hopped, and soon he was high, Overcoming his adversity, up in the sky. His legs may have been sore, but his heart was strong, And Twitch knew now, he'd been right all along.

From that day on, Twitch lived a life of glee, Hopping and jumping, just as he pleased.

He never forgot the butterfly, who gave him hope,
And Twitch's story, now, is a tale to be told.

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